Power Conditioner Processor Sequencer
- Supplies Clean Filtered AC Power with Two-Stage High Insert Dissipation
- High Performance Micro-Controller Unit Ensures High Level Precise Timing
- Built-in Two Stage EMI Filter for Each Output (On Rear Panel)
- AC Voltage, Ambient Temperature and Step Time Display
- Able to Series Link More than 100 Units with Automatic Master Unit Display
- Selectable Step Time and Real Time Display
- Output Cut Switch for All Nine Channels
- Monitors AC Voltage in Real Time
- Display Shows Wiring and Ground Status
- LED Displays: Output Cut, Master, Bypass, Power, AC Voltage and Temperature
- Step Time Display in 7 Segment LED
- Sequence Switch LED
- Monitors Ambient Temperature in Real Time
- One Constant Power Jack Output Un-switched on Front Panel
- 8 Channel Output with American Standard Power Jacks on Rear Panel
- Link Connector: S-Video 4 Pins
- Other Outputs: Two AC 12Volt-4 Amp, One DC 24V-1.5 Amp
- Output Current: Max 10Amp AC
- Output Voltage: Max 275 Volt AC
- MAX. Output Power: 2200 Watt
- Sequence Switch Time: 2 seconds
- Dimensions: 22.8'' x 18.1'' x 5.1'' inch
Ask a Question-
How do we get the voltage display on the PS900 calibrated? Is there instructions I can get on doing this? Same goes for temperature reading?
It is done internally and we don't have a detailed instruction how
I own a PS900 I also own a UPS. My UPS reads at an average of 120 and the PS900 reads 158. Is this normal or is there a function I'm in I do not know of?
That is a voltage calibration issue
Why does the led display a voltage of 164 when my voltmeter says 122? How can i determine the quality of my ground?
Meter needs calibration
Can I use this conditioner on my TV and stereo equipment?
Yes, of course, you can use this with your home appliances
Is their a substitute for the Pyle PS900 sequencer?