8-Ch. Wireless Microphone System
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Good afternoon, we currently have the 8-Ch. Wireless Microphone System PDWM8700 system. We don't want to use the 4 lavalier Mics anymore, and we would like to replace it with 4 of the stand Mics. Is there a way to purchase 4 new mics to work with this current system? we won't be using the Lavalier's . thanks for your assistance.
It is not possible to replace it with the handheld mics
I would like output to USB to computer with possible 8 mics
You need to use an interface to connect the microphone receiver to the computer please see the link below:
https://pyleusa.com/products/pmxu48bt-5 -
how can I get two of the antenna for my pdwm8700
My training center bought this system several years ago. When we turn on the mic, the red light on the mic is on constantly (not the green light). It was told to me that the red light means low voltage. Is that the case? and what could be the cause?
The Red LED is the power indicator and the Green is connectivity with the receiver or audio signal
Our church bought this system several years ago and the power cord and antennae were misplaced. IS it possible to buy just the power cord and antennae?
Please try to check these: