19.5'' Indoor / Outdoor Pa Horn Speaker
This 19.5” indoor/outdoor horn speaker is great for your 70 V or 100 V audio system. Perfect for outdoor PA systems when you need your sound heard far and wide. This 100 watt speaker includes 70 V and 100 V transformers tappable at 100, 50, 25, and 12.5 watts. Includes mounting bracket and hardware for easy installation. Let your voice be heard with the PHSP20. Color: grey.
Ask a Question-
I have 6 of this PHSP 20 what will be the best amplifier for it, need 3 channels/zones
Set the Tpapping @ 12.5 Watts per speaker and connect them all in parallel Tap it to 70Volts to the Amplifier
Does the PHSP20 outdoor Pa horn speaker have a full aluminum casing and a full aluminum horn? I will be using this horn speaker in a hot environment and I was wondering if the ''horn'' part was made out of plastic or aluminum. Thank you.
It uses Aluminum Housing
Which would be the amplifier to run a pair of PHSP20, at 100v, max volume, 24x7?
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Hi Any comparable model for PHSP20? We are looking for 12 quantities of 100W outdoor speaker that can work directly with PC without an amplifier. Thanks Jijo Joseph
This is the only 19.5" Loud speaker model we have. We have many stocks available